

adjective: potential
  1. having or showing the capacity to become or develop into something in the future.

Hi, I’m Share

Former Saboteur turned Self Sabotage Coach

After 6 decades on this planet, I realized that I kept stepping into one bucket of crap then quickly jumped into two more. I had no man in my life, I had a job that oppressed and destroyed me (soul and spirit) and I was too afraid to do anything about it. I was a one-legged duck, I got a lot of action, but I kept going around in circles. I was stuck in cement, gorilla tape and crazy glue all at the same time. If my life was a movie, people would walk out wanting a refund.

I waited 60 years to finally realize, holy shit, nobody is coming to save me! I better get my act together and try to at least STOP being afraid of everything including my own Shadow. Instead of being a Lion, I was a frightened lamb.

FEAR can paralyze you, but it can also provide the Spark we need to finally change. It turns out that FEAR isn’t a goblin, it’s a Guardian…showing us what we need to focus on. So, I felt my Fear and welcomed it in the door.

I am a graduate of the Jason Christoff School of Self Sabotage.

Now I teach others how to take Action when facing Down all their past programming around letting LIFE happen to them, instead of getting out there and doing life their way.

Next Level Up is an overcoming Self-Sabotage Program where I teach you HOW to get yourself out of your quicksand and How to Re-Program yourself so you can move into 

towards the life you really want to Live.

If you want your life to be Better, Happier and more Empowering, this is your Chance. My program is quick and inexpensive. I did it, and so can you.

Contact me now a: Share@nextlevelup.coach

So let’s get to it, right here and now…

Take the First Step